
Please see Platform differences if constantly reloads.


The Snake is the unit that you control. It gains mass by eating pellets and other Snakes that bump into it. When a Snake hits another Snake's body, it looses all of its mass and the snake evaporates into pellets.

Controlling snakes[]

To move a Snake, you may:

  • Control the snake with your cursor (the Snake will follow the cursor)
  • Use the arrow keys

A red snake speeding around another. This causes the red snake to glow.

The speed of the snake is unaffected towards its mass.

To speed as a Snake, you may either press any mouse button (left click, right click, etc.) or press space and hold. It will cause your Snake to move faster, but it will also drain your mass by 15 units a second, leaving a trail of pellets behind you. When dashing, your Snake will start to shine.


The current default way to grow in length is to eat Pellets and gain more mass and kill other snakes

RenzXVI Rank8

A snake surrounded by the remains of dead snakes.


There are two ways to die as a snake.

  1. Hit another snake's body (this is the most common cause of death to the other snake)
  2. Hit the red out-of-bounds barrier, which is at the edge of the map.

When you hit into a snake, you will die and you will be replaced with mass that gives one more length than pellets dropped by other players when they are speeding or pellets spawned by the server.

When hitting the border, you will only evaporate and you will not turn into Pellets when you die.


The player's snake is represented by the object snake. All snakes that can be seen by the player are in the array snakes.


Snakes have the following properties:

Snake properties
Property Data type Notes
id number integer
xx number
yy number
rcv number integer
er number
pr number
pma number
ec string hex colour code
eca number
ppa number
ppc string hex colour code
antenna boolean
one_eye boolean
drez boolean
ed number
esp number
easp number
eac boolean
jyt boolean
slg boolean
eo number
swell number
cusk boolean
rbcs array of numbers numbers are integers
cv number integer
fdhc unknown, sometimes null
fdtc unknown, sometimes null
fdl number
fnfr number
na number
chl number
tsp number
sfr number
accessory number
rr number
gg number
bb number
cs string hex colour code
cs04 string hex colour code
csw string hex colour code
sc number
ssp number
fsp number
msp number
fxs object with numbers
fys object with numbers
fchls object with numbers
fpos number
ftg number
fx number
fy number
fchl number
fas object with numbers
fapos number
fatg number
fa number
ehang number
wehang number
ehl number
msl number
fam number
ang number
eang number
wang number
rex number
rey number
sp number
lnp object with numbers and arrays
pts array of objects with numbers and arrays
sct number
flpos number
fls object with numbers
fl number
fltg number
tl number
cfl number
scang number
dead_amt number
alive_amt number
nk string
spang number
wsep number
sep number
atba number
atc1 string hex colour code
atc2 string hex colour code
atwg boolean
atia number
abrot boolean
atx object with numbers
aty object with numbers
atvx object with numbers
atvy object with numbers
atax object with numbers
atay object with numbers
bulb object
blbx number
blby number
blbw number
blbh number
bsc number
blba number
wmd boolean
md boolean